Chemistry-Ms Tan
English-Ms Lee
Math-Mrs Lai/Mrs Lim
Chinese-Mdm Sun
Malay-Mdm Kartini
Literature/PE-Mr Ben
Geography-Mrs Tan
History-Mdm Jaya
Art-Mrs Wong
Phyiscs-Ms Wong/ Ms Idayu
Music-Mrs Lim
Since Joshua don't want to organise, someone else, not me, will organise the class tee. The organiser will go find out the pricing of the tee, the ordering of the tee and the collecting of tee.
For the class tee, you guys want POLO tee, or NORMAL tee. DRY-FITTED or NON-DRY FITTED. WHAT COLOUR OF TEE.
Anyone wants to organise please feel free to speak up and say.
Please put up your ideas on the tagboard.
Further update on the class tee will be place up ASAP.